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« L’opportunité de concevoir les situations d’apprentissage en cohérence avec le vécu quotidien des élèves», Louis Thomas Lemana, Inspecteur Pédagogique Régional de Physique-Chimie-Technologie, Ouest.

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Version anglaise bientôt disponible

Eneo et Le Ministère des Enseignements Secondaires (MINESEC) se sont retrouvés pour plancher sur le contenu des manuels de formation et leurs moyens d’utilisation dans les établissements scolaires. 20 Inspecteurs pédagogiques représentants les 10 Régions du pays et 01 Inspecteur National du Ministère des Enseignements Secondaires,

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A joint high-level delegation comprising the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Eneo Cameroon and SONATREL visited the JST factories in Lyon, France, from 24 to 26 April 2016. This company is the service provider that is in charge of manufacturing and delivering three power transformers ordered by Eneo and delivery is expected between June 2016 and February 2017.

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Eneo Cameroon SA informs its customers in the Centre and South Regions that it will carry out some major maintenance work on the Mangombe-Oyomabang transmission line and at the BRGM transformer substation this Sunday, 08 MAY 2016 from 07 a.m. to 11 a.m. 

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Eneo Cameroon SA informs its employees, the pre-subscription phase of the shares of the P Eneo CIG, ultimate holder of 5% of the share capital of Eneo Cameroon SA has been launched. Eligible persons have the opportunity to express their interest as from the date of this publication until May 1, 2016.

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