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Compliance of Eneo’s Business Partners

Becoming an Eneo Partner

Eneo has put in place a compliance programme for its business partners aimed at ensuring that the strictest ethical and legal standards are respected with regards to all interactions with third parties. The said Programme that is based on the KYBP (Know Your Business Partners) method is dedicated to knowing one’s business partners and requires Eneo to carry out due diligence verification on its potential business partners prior to any contractual commitment.

To become an Eneo’s business partner, you need to apply for approval that will result, if the eligibility requirements are met, in the inclusion into Eneo’s official list of suppliers. The said eligibility requirements depend on three levels of approval namely:

Technical approval (documents to be completed): here, the Eneo unit (Department / Sub-Department) to be served by the potential business partner is expected to give its approval and provide reasons for wanting to collaborate with the potential supplier.

Compliance approval (documents to be completed): here, the first step of this process involves completing a questionnaire on compliance related integrity that will enable Eneo to collect data on which the said due diligence verification will be based. The second step requires Eneo to check the compliance of contracts; and at this level, all the support documents (award letter, letter of invitation to tender, or negotiation letter, blanket agreement, purchase order, contract, etc.) to formalize any transaction with a third party, must comply with the purchase procedure in force at Eneo and the contracts or purchase order must contain compliance provisions requiring our business partners to respect all the rules and regulations related to the fight against corruption, money laundering, and the funding of terrorism as well as economic sanction programmes such as Embargos. This compliance aspect is managed by the contract compliance sub-division.

Safety approval (documents to be completed): this validation is related to the services of the potential business partner which should ensure the respect of HSE statutory and regulatory requirements. It can be obtained from HSE and Corporate Responsibility Department.


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